Monday, September 14, 2009

I wondeR ??


dude,i've been observin lately at people's behaviour and how they react to the environment (wo0w!! dats social science for ya!! :P)
yeah, i think i'm an observer... but not dat radical thinking sort of guy :P

di suatu malam yang hening lagi nyaman, aku telah pergi ke tesco untuk membeli barang barang tertentu...
lalu aku pon pusing2 mencari parking
di hadapanku terdapat sebuah lagi kereta yang ingin mencari parking
di belakangku terdapat sebuah kereta unser kot?? yang baru keluar dr parking lot
tentu sekali,kereta di hadapanku yang sedang mencari parking itu membawa kereta agak perlahan agar tidak terlepas tmpt parking.. kebetulan pula, di sebelah kiri terdapat sangat banyak tempat parking yg kosong..lalu,kereta di hadapanku ini memberi isyarat lalu secara perlahan-lahan membelok ke kiri untuk masuk ke tempat parking tersebut. aku terpaksa berhenti untuk memberinya ruang.
tiba-tiba,tanpa ku duga kereta yang sedang berada di belakangku memecut ke kiri dengan harapan untuk memotongku.
walaubagaimanapun, kereta tersebut dihalang oleh kereta di hadapanku yang sedang membetulkan keretanya untuk di-park-kan di slot tesebut.
maka,aku pun jampi serapah pemandu kereta yang kini berada di sebelahku,terhenti dan tidak dapat memotongku sambil melihat...
wah!!aku terkejut apabila melihat pemandu kereta unser tersebut merupakan seorang wanita yang kelihatan memakai tudung labuh... x pasti ade purdah ke x...mcm ade mcm x...
ish3...menjatuhkan imej wanita bertudung sahaja... malah bertudung labuh pula tu..

apabila ku selesai membeli belah,aku bertolak pulang..dalam perjalanan itu, ketika aku hendak keluar daripada kawasan parking tesco, aku telah melalui satu jalan sempit, jalan sehala..dan ya,aku sedang menuju ke arah yang betul. tiba2, sebuah kereta datang menonong dari selekoh dan selamba nenek dye je lalu kat situ laju. pada hakikatnya,itu adalah jalan sehala. maka sekali lagi jampi dan serapahku TERkeluar :P
ya, pemandu tesebut juga merupakan seorang melayu,cuma pada kali ini dia adalah seorang lelaki.
i dont mean to be racist but yeah, that's typical malay.. and maybe..typical malaysian??

I wonder.. 1) how do these people got their licenses?????
2) bila kita nak berubah??
3) do they even think of others?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

so long,my knife T.T

cerita yg agak sedih bakal tiba

arini bape ribulan??
owh sho0t!!lupe lak..
erm erm
25/8/09 rite??
hm hmmm
went to mid valley wif coki,salwa n fahmi

pastu, gi tgk wayang cite "ORPHAN"
bole thn la cite tu
u guys kalo xde keje n byk sgt duet,gi la usya :P

the thing is,mase tgk cite tu,mcm bese la kaki naik atas kerusi kan,
tanpa kusedari,telah ku letakkan pisau lipat swiss armyku di dlm poket tepi sluar ku (erm...jenis suar yg byk poket tu)
secara eksidennye,pisau tu mungkin terjatuh drpd poket tersebut dikala ku sedang syok menonton cite seram =..="(ouch!)

then,lpas sejam da kuar tu (teman coki shopping),
baru sedar

"OMG!!!!PISAUKU HILANG!!!"so,dengan sepantas kilat pegi la blk kat wayang tu nak usya kn??
last2,hall tu in use,n cleaner dye dah ilang ntah ke mane T.T
abis tu,ade brader ni kate xpe la,u kasi number u nnt kalo kitorang jumpe kitorang call u.
nmpk sgt mcm xkn dpt blk kn???

maybe nmpk mcm silly,
maybe korang kate "ape la mamat ni...pisau ilang pon nk kecoh"

biodata pisau :
- RM 100+
- hadiah drpd ayah sbb dpt pengakap raja dlu...
- pisau tu byk berjasa( i used to siang ikan tyme camping pakai pisau tu :P)

selamat tinggal pisauku,
akan ku kenangmu dlm tidurku :P

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadhan oh Ramadhan


esok puasa!!!
tak rase mcm da nak puasa pon!!!
rasa mcm esok hari biasa

sebab :

- masih belajar mcm biasa
- xde suasana da nak puasa
- dah lama tak puasa :P

sbab tu la kot???
ape2 pon,
slamat bepose!!! :P

Thursday, August 6, 2009


tali gitarku putus n sminggu kemudian br dpt pasang blk...

tu je sebnanye :P

tali : D,4th string
kedai : Yamaha
harga: RM4.60
colour: silver(the only silver coloured string on my guitar =..=)


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teen Agers

i,ve been thinking lately...

how did i spend my whole "teen" ages??

i'm 18 now and...

from i'm 13 and until...20 will be,i'm locked in..urm..maybe... 1km radius??

well,my previous school obviously doesn.t have 1km radius n the place i'm studyin

just "maybe" have 1 km radius and that is all how i'm spending my

teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn ages though =..="

when i looked at my friends out there,they are enjoying themselves and lead live

that are totally different from mine.

and then i thought "hey,this is not 1960's or 70's or 80's,this is 2009 dude!!i'm

supposed to be like them,exploring the world (maybe),enjoying my so-short teenage

life...but now i'm just like a robot and can't fulfill my own interest.."

but somehow,on the other side of me i thought " come on dude,life is short.strive

for the after life.those entertainments and pleasures and delicious food are just

temprorary...u don't need all of that.just imagine.. if you live for 60 years,then

2 years is 1/30 of your life.. that is quite a percentage rite??so my life is short

and i need to gather things and get ready for the after life.."

and so,i'm in a dilemma of a "teenager" and a "human".

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SemaNgat yang HilaNg

halo readers yang dikasihi sekalian :P
Zis is ma '2nd' post.. (x kira post blog yg da auto-delete) :D
Yesterday i went to ma cousin's b'day party n guess wat?? One o ma uncle Started a conversationss
Uncle : ni nak gi mane??d
Me : erm...aritu mintak uk..
Uncle : eh..denga cite pasni MARA x anta uk dah...kos tinggi sgt n ade byk racial issue..
Me : eh???yekee????
Uncle : denga cite diorang anta gi australia ngan new zealand je...
N then dye ade la sambung ngarut2 bout dat stuff..
I didnt hear wat he was sayin coz i'm shocked,speechless...
If wat he just said is true,then,i felt like it is not worth of wat i'm doin rite now n de next 2 years coz it is a HARD programme...EXTREMELY HARD dude...*sigh*
Now i don't really feel like studyin...its like my enthusiasm has been robbed out of my... Watever lahh (agak geli geleman sket)
But really,mmg rase agak down larh T.T

Wonderin where i'm studyin rite now???
Make a guess :D




Wat???want a clue???ok..urmm
The place was a school n still looks like one.
Dat's rite!!!!
Kolej Mara Banting - IB world 'school' (told you so) =..='

Ok then,let's pray toghether so that wat my uncle said will never come true (at least until 2011) :P
Ciow for now,thx 4 reading!!! (if anybody does) :P

OK dude!!!!!

ok guys!!
my previous blog "" was deleted coz i didn't write anything for a while though =..="

i'm gonna start a new blog,
less "suram"
senang cite a new blog lah!!

happy reading!!